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solid vs. liquid

firebrick, 2013, 105X154, Pigment print mounted on plexiglas

nightsky, 2016, 210x150, Pigment print mounted on plexiglas

a man in a pond, 2015, 80x52, Pigment print mounted on plexiglas

ship, 2014, 142X100cm, 2016, 100x78, Pigment print mounted on plexiglas

polyhydron vs liquid, 2013, 100x*78.2, Pigment print mounted on plexiglas

underconstruction, 2015, 100X67cm, Pigment print mounted on plexiglas

summer to winter, 2016, 90x60cm, Pigment print mounted on plexiglas

winter to summe, 2016, r90x60cm, Pigment print mounted on plexiglas

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