doves on a rope
doves on a rope 전선위에 비둘기, 2003-2005, candles, wires, pigment print installation view in the studio. installation work designed to...

weeds series 잡초 연작, 2000-2006, cut-out pigment-print, weeds is works that are collected in one specific place, photographed, printed ,...

2002. march - 2004. march
2002.March-2004.March / 2002년 3월에서 2002년 3월 , single channel video, 4:28, 2007 2 years long photographic documentary about a pigeon, who...

found poetry -publication
found poetry series 신문 시 연작, 2001-ongoing, rotary print ongoing project 신문의 헤드라인과 사진을 스크랩, 수집한 것들을 재구성하여 시의 구조로 콜라주한 작업. 여러 편의 시로 작업 뒤 다시...

found poetry - installation
found poetry series 신문 시 연작, 2001-ongoing, pigment print ongoing project one of poetry series created by collaging different headlines...

kronenburg series 크로넨부르그 연작, c-print diasec, 1999 this is a photographic series took during 10 days of promenade in Kronenburg nature...

code series
code-2, c-print diasec, 40*49cm, 1999 code-3, c-print diasec, 80*100cm, 2004 code-4, c-print diasec, 146*180cm, 2006 code-5, c-print...