white and green house - versus garden
green house온실, 2010, c-print mounted on plexiglas, 70x100cm in cooperation with sunghun choi

versus 3 - publication
art direction, photograph, drawings by sunmin park image theme: not leave vs. not stay in cooperation with sunghun choi

made of layers - exhibition
made of layers foil gallery, tokyo, japan curated by inseon kim organized by gallery factory choi sunghun + park sunmin kim siyeon kwon...

versus 2 - publication
image theme : singular vs. plural art direction, photograph, drawings by sunmin park in cooperation with sunghun choi

versus 1 - launching exhibition
image theme ; artificial vs. natural in cooperation sunghun choi

versus 1 -publication
this is first issue of independent nonperiodical magazine versus, which had been released 10 years long. Art-direction, photographies and...