Why do you ramble around nearby places?, 2011, banner print, 1800mX36m
Whale, Time-Diver, National Theater Comapany of Korea
고래-시간의 잠수자, 국립극단
Warum in die Nähe schweifen?
abtauchen, aber richtig
Einladung zu Abenteuern in nie gekannten Landschaften
Mit den Augen des Abenteurers
Kosmischer Kurztrip
Why do you ramble around nearby places?
Dive, with certainty
Invitation to the landscape completely unknown
With adventure's eyes
A short trip to cosmos
왜 가까운 곳에서만 머무는가?
잠수하라, 확실히
전혀 알지못했던 풍경으로의 초대
모험가의 눈으로
우주로 향하는 짧은 여행
poem by sunmin park
from one of the found poetry series
in cooperation with sunghun choi