versus 2 - publication
image theme : singular vs. plural art direction, photograph, drawings by sunmin park in cooperation with sunghun choi
swimming pool
swimming pool 수영장, 2008, c-print, drawing, 80x40cm
versus 1 - launching exhibition
image theme ; artificial vs. natural in cooperation sunghun choi
versus 1 -publication
this is first issue of independent nonperiodical magazine versus, which had been released 10 years long. Art-direction, photographies and...
1. BIGPLANSsmallpeople, 40*56cm, c-print mounted on plexiglass, 2004 2. mangcho(Erigeron annuus) 개망초, 100*240cm, c-print mounted on...
a cat and a dog
고양이와 개, 2008, c-print, 30x80cm
4 to 9 pm
4 to 9 pm, 2007, gallery factory 이 전시는 늦은 오후에서부터 밤까지 열리던 전시로 어둠이 기본 전시 조건이 되고 1층의 조명설치로 영상의 이미지 유무를 결정짓도록 했다. 관람객이 밝은 방에 서면 아무것도 볼 수 없는 빈...
mirror play
거울놀이 / mirror play, , 2007, pigment print, projector, mirror in cooperation with sunghun choi
through the bush
through the bush 수풀사이로, 2007, single channel video, 14:50
the blind cave fish
blind cave fish ( Astyanax Fasciatus ) 장님물고기 , single channel video, 19:11, 2007 in cooperation with sunghun choi