fa, la, thur, sat ; germination series
fa, la, thur., sat.;germination series, 2022, pencil on paper, 77x56.5cm fa, la, thur., sat.;germination a fa, la, thur.,...

fa, la, thur., sat.; shape 1-9 of the poem
fa, la, thur., sat.; shape 1-9 of the poem 파라목토; 시의 형태 1-9, 2022, pencil on paper, 77x56.5cm fa, la, thur., sat.; shape 1 of the poem fa,...

fa, la, thur., sat.: flowing colors
Fa, Ra, Thur., Sat.; Flowing Colors 파라목토; 흐르는 색, 2022, 3 channel video, 3840 x 2160px colors, sound, loop, 30'24", Dimensions variable...

das schweigen der bilder
das shweigen der bilder / the silence of images / 이미지의 침묵 , 2013, pigment print, zinc sheet, dimension variable trough-project in Goethe...

code letters
1. code letters series 암호 편지 연작, ink on paper, drawing, 29.7*21cm, 1999 - ongoing project. this is a work, is designated the first...