drawings for daystar 4
crystal vs. decision-drawing series for daystar 4, 2012, drawing on photograph
daystar 4
daystar 4 , 2012, single channel video, color, 2:15 doeksugung project, doeksugung, Seoul commission by mmca in cooperation by sunghun choi
<Deoksugung Project>
crystal vs. decision 결정 대 결정, 2012, site specific installation, crystal blocks, pigment print in textile, daystar series , 2011-2012,...
crystal vs. decision
3rd Deagu Photo Biennale 제 3 회 대구사진비엔날레- 사진의 과학, 이영준 기획 in collaboration with choi sunghun 사진으로 사진을 하고, 사진을 하면서 사진을 생각하고, 사진을 잘 되게하기위해...
deoksugung project-process and proposals
process and proposasl for 1st Deoksugung project 이 일련의 작업들은 제 1회 덕수궁 프로젝트의 최종 작업인 결정(crystal) vs. 결정(decision) 까지 가기위한 과정에서 나온 무산된 프로포절들로...
versus 5 - publication
image theme : 결정 vs. 결정 crystal vs. decision text theme : 번역되기를 바라는 책 vs. 번역되지않길 바라는 책 art direction, photograph and drawings by sunmin park
daystar 2
daystar 2, 2012, single channel video, color, 3:27 installation view in Dancing to the rhyme, Kumho Museum of Art in cooperation with...
takeda hajimu - cd cover image
cd cover image : park sunmin design: workroom cd cover image : park sunmin design: workroom kim hyungjin
the lonesome green
the lonesome green 외로운 초록, 2011, mixed media, dimension variable in collaboration with sunghun choi
Why do you ramble around nearby places?
Why do you ramble around nearby places?, 2011, banner print, 1800mX36m Whale, Time-Diver, National Theater Comapany of Korea 고래-시간의 잠수자,...