window, shadow, meadow
windowshadowmeadow 창 그림자 들판, 2015, mixed media, dimension variable 소록도 윌링 앤 딜링

versus 7 - publication
image theme: beat vs. melody text theme: verse vs. prose

ebony and ivory
ebony and ivory 흑과 백, 2014, mixed media, dimension variable flora society 식물사회 curated by gallery factory

the mind's ear
the mind's ear, 2014, offset print 2014 sema biennale media city seoul, the seoul museum of art 마음의 귀 큰 것이 작은 것을 잡아먹는다. 바람 속에 헐벗은 검은 수요일...

earip & trampauline -concert poster
photograph & poster design by sunmin park for concert of singer songwriter earip and trampaulin

versus 6 - exhibition
versus 6 launching exhibition, gallery factory, 2013. 10. 5-10.25 mixed media installation with Lauan Shelves by Nami Makishi 둘, 셋, 넷,...

versus 6 - publication
image theme : the deaf vs. the blind the deaf vs. the blind Lonesome a task, to see many thing. Painful a matter, to hear many thing. If...

das schweigen der bilder
das shweigen der bilder / the silence of images / 이미지의 침묵 , 2013, pigment print, zinc sheet, dimension variable trough-project in Goethe...

drawings for daystar 4
crystal vs. decision-drawing series for daystar 4, 2012, drawing on photograph

daystar 4
daystar 4 , 2012, single channel video, color, 2:15 doeksugung project, doeksugung, Seoul commission by mmca in cooperation by sunghun choi