the mind's ear
the mind's ear, 2014, offset print 2014 sema biennale media city seoul, the seoul museum of art 마음의 귀 큰 것이 작은 것을 잡아먹는다. 바람 속에 헐벗은 검은 수요일...
the law of disappearing and continuity
the law of disappearing and continuity 사라지고 이어지는 법칙들 , 2014, solar bulbs, wire, dimension variable Site-specific installation made of...
earip & trampauline -concert poster
photograph & poster design by sunmin park for concert of singer songwriter earip and trampaulin
versus 6 - exhibition
versus 6 launching exhibition, gallery factory, 2013. 10. 5-10.25 mixed media installation with Lauan Shelves by Nami Makishi 둘, 셋, 넷,...
versus 6 - publication
image theme : the deaf vs. the blind the deaf vs. the blind Lonesome a task, to see many thing. Painful a matter, to hear many thing. If...
das schweigen der bilder
das shweigen der bilder / the silence of images / 이미지의 침묵 , 2013, pigment print, zinc sheet, dimension variable trough-project in Goethe...
drawings for daystar 4
crystal vs. decision-drawing series for daystar 4, 2012, drawing on photograph
daystar 4
daystar 4 , 2012, single channel video, color, 2:15 doeksugung project, doeksugung, Seoul commission by mmca in cooperation by sunghun choi
<Deoksugung Project>
crystal vs. decision 결정 대 결정, 2012, site specific installation, crystal blocks, pigment print in textile, daystar series , 2011-2012,...
crystal vs. decision
3rd Deagu Photo Biennale 제 3 회 대구사진비엔날레- 사진의 과학, 이영준 기획 in collaboration with choi sunghun 사진으로 사진을 하고, 사진을 하면서 사진을 생각하고, 사진을 잘 되게하기위해...